Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Generation in Collaborative Online Learning Environments

Question: Discuss about the Generation in Collaborative Online Learning Environments. Answer: Introduction: The primary purpose of the team is to gain a practical knowledge on the subject of project management. The other aim of this project is to enhance the decision-making capacity of the team members. With the help of this project, the analytical knowledge and time management capacity of the team members can be increased. At the same time, this project is one of the essential parts of the education system. Hence, maintaining the rule of educational system is another purpose of this project. Duration and Time Commitment The total duration of the project is 1 month. In the first 5 days, the team members have studied the subject to gain in-depth knowledge about the subject. After that, the team members have selected the particular project of Gen-Com Pvt. Ltd. on 6th day. In next 7 days, the team members have collected the required data for this particular project. The team members have taken total 10 days to analyze the data that has collected from various sources. The team members have taken 7 days more to prepare the final draft of the project. Scope The team members of this project have huge scope to enhance their knowledge and expertise with the help of this project. The team members get the idea of the strategies taken in the real business world. At the same time, the team members of this project can know about the issues that the business organizations face in the practical business world. This practical knowledge is very helpful for the future educational and career growth of the team members. On the other side, the situation analyzing capacity, time management capacity and project organizing capacity of the members are enhanced. Members There are two members in the team. Both members belong to same educational background and same University. Desired end Result The project desires to identify the answers of the research questions, which are set by the team members in the beginning of the project. Therefore, at the end, it is expected that the project will identify the popularity of Gen-Com Pvt. Ltd in the global telecom industry. At the same time, it is also expected that the project will identify the amount of money that the customers spend for paying their post-paid or pre-paid bill. On the other side, the project will also focus on the satisfaction level of the customers of Gen-Com regarding the current payment mode of paying the pre-paid or post-paid bill. Supporting Resources This project is done by taking the help from various sources. The data and information have been collected from various secondary sources like, journals, articles and the official websites of Gen-Com Pvt. Ltd. Apart from that, the team members also took help from the supervisor at the time of preparing the project. Reporting Plan The team has provided weekly report to the supervisor regarding the progress of the project. The team members have reported about the journals and article that are used in the project. Deliverables At the end of the project, the team members will deliver a complete project of 8 pages. The complete project will include the detail information about the new service of Gen-Com Pvt. Ltd. At the same time, the project will provide a detail analysis of the possible risks of the company. Bibliography Lumpe, A., Wicks, D., Henrikson, R., Baliram, N. (2015, October). Semantic Text Theme Generation in Collaborative Online Learning Environments. InProceedings of E-à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Learn: World Conference on E-à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education(pp. 1679-1684). Singleton, J. K., Santomasino, M., Slyer, J. T. (2015). A team process to support interprofessional care.Journal of Interprofessional Education Practice,1(1), 28-31.

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